Annette Hess Psychotherapy and counseling services for families, individuals and couples in the San Francisco Bay Area - California.
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Colleague Reviews

Annette Hess has the best qualities which make for a great family therapist. Besides being smart and insightful, she really dives in and engages with her patients. She offers insight with truly practical guidance and options. When I refer patients to her, I am confident that she will really "take the ball and run with it."

Russell Reiff, M.D. Behavioral Pediatrician

“Annette Hess is a San Francisco treasure. I have worked collaboratively with her on behalf of many clients. Her wealth of experience, open-mindedness, medical knowledge and intuitive sensibilities, combined with her down-to-earth and compassionate style always inspires me. She is a resource that I have come to rely on. I love her common sense no nonsense wisdom and wonderful spirit!”

Abby Caplin, MD, MA
Mind-Body Medicine and Counseling
San Francisco, CA

I have been a practicing psychotherapist for 30 years in the Bay Area. Whenever I am asked for a referral, whether it be for a child,  adult, or couples' therapist, I give Annette Hess' name first. This is because she is not only kind and thorough; but because she also gets results.

I know that I can count on Annette to roll up her sleeves and deeply assess what needs to be done. She is incisive and flexible in her thinking and she draws from a wealth of experience and training.  I am continually impressed by what Annette picks up on in a single observation and how broad and deep her clinical skills are.

Karen Wachler, PhD. San Francisco, California



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Annette Hess - Psychotherapy and counseling for individuals, couples and families with children in the San Francisco, Bay Area - California.

Annette Hess L.C.S.W.


New Address as of 3/14/2020

676 Chenery Street

San Francisco, California 94131

